Planes: B737-800/B757/B737-900
Status: Medallion Member.
Seats: Main Cabin/Main Cabin/Comfort+. Splurge for Comfort+ if you can. Definitely worth it.
RSW: Midmorning flight and airport was not as busy as I thought it would be. Was able to check in pretty quickly and easily.
Security: The one agent working TSA was not in the best of moods nor friendly. TSA agents at RSW never fail to disappoint. That being said – he was the only agent at the time trying to get EVERYONE through.
ATL: Busy and crazy as usual. You’d think I’d warm up to the ATL by now but……..
Sky Club: Great place to wait out my layover until the flight home. Delta does a really nice job with their Sky Clubs. The staff is always very nice and professional. Great food selection and plenty of space/room today.
CVG: Thanks to the ground staff for extra SkyMiles via the 20 Minute Baggage Guarantee!
Flights: Quick and smooth. Great crews. I can’t remember the last time I was on a B757. Nice to fly something other than the standard B737s.
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